Campaign Concept for Fiat Chrysler: Italy Anywhere, Fiat Everywhere

Once upon a time, I started an agency. In doing so, I created a few pitches that I’m really proud of, namely this one. Anyway, it was a fun exercise and umm if anyone knows anyone high up at Fiat, hit me uppppp!

THE STORY: Fiat is synonymous with Italy. It’s fashion, it’s family, it’s espresso and gelato. It’s slowing down and enjoying life’s simple pleasures. But (unfortunately) the world is bigger than just Italy. So let’s bring Fiat’s Italian roots everywhere — starting with the epicenter of cool: California. Think Fiat — but underscored by the dynamic energy of the west coast where we enjoy beach days, drives along Highway 101, pulling over to watch the sunset with a bottle of red, and stopping for gelato just because.


Fiat has never been one to shy away from colors — and neither are we. Using a bold palette and Southern California’s natural hues, we’ll capture everything that makes Fiat so beloved, elevated with an editorial, colorful, artistic edge. Think vintage Italian spirit meets classic California.

FURTHER APPLICATION: ‘Italy Anywhere, Fiat Everywhere’ is dynamic enough to be applied to any and all geos where Fiat wants to have a presence. Let’s take the story of Fiat and Italy everywhere; through the evergreen forests of Pacific Northwest, the big skies of Montana, the stunning vistas of the Southwest and beyond.